Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A community for professional conversations!

What is ProspectLinker?

A community driven website for professional conversations.

What is our vision?

ProspectLinker believes that there should be a central location where great thinkers and doers can share and get feedback from each other.

What is the problem?

Professionals and leading students desire high quality sources of information and advice (i.e. ideas, feedback, viewpoints). They desire this quickly, in large quantity, and often times, from individuals who are outside of their own network.

On the Internet, there are very few choices available to have high quality, rapid, and free professional conversations. Destinations like Yahoo Answers, Facebook, and LinkedIn do not facilitate this effectively on their own.

For example, if a student, who is an aspiring investment banker, would like to ask a question to an actual investment banker, but does not have any personal contacts, where would she go? Or, if a management consultant wanted to get ideas on new growth options for a company and wanted to interact with a community comprised of MBAs, VCs, and Private Equity managers, where would he go?

What is our solution?

We want ProspectLinker to be the premier destination for leading minds from various fields to share and have conversations.

What makes us different?

  • Professional nature
  • Focus on encouraging high quality, rapid, and free professional conversations among different groups of people
  • An existing community of technologists, designers, architects, investment bankers, financiers, product managers, consultants, engineers, marketers, advertisers, venture capitalists, asset managers, Ph. D's, students (undergrads and grads) and more.
ProspectLinker is a community where professionals and ambitious students share information about themselves and communicate frequently with each other. Very importantly, we envision it as a destination where large amounts of people are having high quality conversations on a variety of professional topics.

The ProspectLinker community currently comprises of people from top companies including Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Google, Blackstone Group, Citigroup, CNN, Deloitte, Ogilvy; and top schools including Harvard, MIT, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, and more.

Join our professional conversations now.


Andre Charoo

Learn more on our blog || http://prospectlinker.blogspot.com
Follow us on Twitter || http://twitter.com/prospectlinker
Website || http://prospectlinker.com

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Definition of ProspectLinker

To ensure that we are clear about what ProspectLinker is, I would like to define the company name for you first.

What does ProspectLinker (for short, I'll use "pL") mean?

I would like to focus on the word "prospect" and a couple of the meanings in the photo above (cited from dictionary.com):

Definition: A potential customer or candidate
-- pL is currently a community of smart people who include
technologists, designers, architects, investment bankers, financiers, product managers, consultants, engineers, marketers, entrepreneurs, advertisers, venture capitalists, asset managers, Ph. D's, students (undergrads and grads) and more. These people are all potential customer types and / or candidates.

Definition: A view or outlook on a subject or situation
-- The pL community will provide their views and outlook on any subject or situation that people are interested in.

This leads me to answer...

What is ProspectLinker?

ProspectLinker is a community that links people who share their views, ideas, and thoughts with each other. People engage in conversations with professionals, who could be inside or outside of their own personal networks, to gain each others' insights and viewpoints.

For example, you might need the viewpoint of a potential customer for your business, who happens to be out of reach and is outside of your network. In this situation, where do you turn? Social networks like LinkedIn and Facebook?

Often times, it's difficult and unduly time-intensive to get introductions to specific people who are outside of your network, especially if it's just to get their viewpoint, thoughts, or ideas regarding an issue you are experiencing. This is where pL can help. ProspectLinker establishes a platform for people to channel their ideas, expertise, feedback, and thoughts on issues into a forum that may be easily accessed by others seeking insight.

Join our community now to:

(1) Start a conversation amongst a wide range of people from whom one can gain insight;

(2) Give your take on current conversations and see what other smart people have to say; and

(3) Invite others who have been requested from your network into conversations to help add perspective and value to the community

Thanks in advance for your interest.


Andre Charoo

Learn more on our blog || http://prospectlinker.blogspot.com
Follow us on Twitter || http://twitter.com/prospectlinker
Website || http://prospectlinker.com

Friday, March 27, 2009

The pL community is evolving!

I would like to thank everyone who has joined ProspectLinker to date. As a result of your feedback and more importantly, your usage, we realize that there is a much more compelling and exciting use to the site that we've created. And in fact, it's the origin of why we started this journey in the first place -- to create an amazing source for sharing each others' ideas, advice, issues, and thoughts.

ProspectLinker has attracted very smart professionals and students from a wide range of industries and backgrounds who are interacting and having thought-provoking conversations with each other around interesting ideas and thoughts. These people include technologists, designers, architects, i-bankers, financiers, product managers, consultants, engineers, marketers, VC's, Ph. D's, and more.

ProspectLinker is quickly becoming a community that links smart people from top companies and schools together.


So, how can ProspectLinker help you?

(1) Start a conversation amongst really smart people from whom you can gain insight

(2) Give your take and see what other smart people have to say about it


Over the next few weeks and months, we will be working very hard in ensuring that our site is conducive to providing an easy and quick way to provide your views, thoughts and advice within a group of smart people.

Join now and see what these people are talking about!

We look forward to having you take part in the community.


Andre Charoo
ProspectLinker, Inc.

Learn more on our bog || http://prospectlinker.blogspot.com
Follow us on Twitter || http://twitter.com/prospectlinker
Website || http://prospectlinker.com