Sunday, May 17, 2009
What's our value proposition?
ProspectLinker is a community driven website that helps you get insight from professionals who are outside of your network.
The beta site we are working on will provide the easiest, most efficient place to get linked to a community from which you are interested in getting viewpoints.
Major communities that are currently growing on ProspectLinker include Consulting, I-Banking / Finance, Marketing, Media / Entertainment, Technology, and Venture Capital / Private Equity.
Here is an example of the value proposition offered by ProspectLinker:
A Senior Associate from a major Financial Institution was recently looking for professionals in the media and entertainment industry that could provide answers to the following questions:
What is your opinion on the current investing climate of the media and entertainment space in emerging markets such as Africa?
Viewpoints from: Marketing guy, Sr. Financial Analyst at Warner Music Group
What is your position on the current debate regarding free music streaming over the internet with the likes of Pandora and its implications on the music industry?
Viewpoints from: Sr. Financial Analyst at Warner Music Group, Start-up Founder
Is music streaming substitutional for sales? If so, shouldn’t artist and songwriters get paid by music streaming service providers?
Viewpoints from: Start-up Founders, Sr. Financial Analyst at Warner Music Group
Do you know of any venture capital and or private equity funds that primarily invest in the media and entertainment space?
Viewpoints from: Private Equity Professional, Sr. Financial Analyst at Warner Music Group
ProspectLinker ultimately linked this person to media / entertainment professionals and others, who answered his questions and were very helpful in providing him with resources.
If you've ever asked the question -- "Do you know any people in a particular industry (that is outside of your network) who can provide answers to my questions?", then you will find value in ProspectLinker.
Here's an invite to join --
Andre Charoo
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Monday, May 11, 2009
How would you make ProspectLinker better?
Kent Fenwick, our Chief Code Magician, recently asked a great question that I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on --
How would you make ProspectLinker better?
As we've mentioned before, we are working on a beta release that focuses on one concept -- facilitating professional conversations. As a result of your conversations, you have the opportunity to meet people outside of your personal networks, in industries that you may not have access to. Some of the industries currently represented on ProspectLinker include:
- Advertising & Public Relations
- Management Consulting
- Finance / Hedge Funds / Investment Banking
- Marketing
- Media / Entertainment
- Real Estate
- Technology
- Venture Capital / Private Equity
So, as we focus on our revised site, your feedback on this question will help us determine what you think is important for us to implement in our release.
Here are a couple recent suggestions:
"Daily digest that pulls together all/or a selected bunch of new conversations that have been started in areas that people identify as personally interesting..."
From: Management Consultant
"Great opportunity for perhaps fostering mentor relationships, but maybe you need to bring that more to the forefront?..."
From: Masters Student
Check out more suggestions by signing up here -- Share any ideas you have and vote for the best.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks for your interest and support.
-The ProspectLinker Team
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Recent on-going conversations on pL
While we are working on publicly displaying conversations that are being discussed on pL in our next major release (approximately 1-2 months from now), in the interim, we will post some of the current conversations on our blog so visitors can learn the type of discussions taking place on pL.
Here are some recent conversations:
Future of Hedge Funds
What is the future of hedge funds given the recent turmoil with Madoff, Ponzi schemes, and other "SHADY"...
Contributors: asset manager, trader
Acquiring large, but un-monetized services
Do you think the days of acquiring companies, specifically internet properties, that are large, but not...
Contributors: management consultant, venture capitalist, start-up founder
Twitter apps vs. Facebook apps
I've been discovering really cool Twitter apps that are springing up. PhotoBucket just launched TwittGoo...
Contributors: aspiring marketer, technologist, undergrad
Nigerian Financial Institutions
Any thoughts on the state of financial institutions in Nigeria? While the American credit crisis has sent shockwaves throughout...
Contributors: management consultant, investment banker
What's your take?
Join the community now to:
1. Start conversations on issues that matter to you and get viewpoints from contributors that you are looking for.
2. Contribute what you know to current conversations and see what others have to say
We look forward to seeing your conversations.
-The ProspectLinker Team
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Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A community for professional conversations!
What is ProspectLinker?
A community driven website for professional conversations.
What is our vision?
ProspectLinker believes that there should be a central location where great thinkers and doers can share and get feedback from each other.
What is the problem?
Professionals and leading students desire high quality sources of information and advice (i.e. ideas, feedback, viewpoints). They desire this quickly, in large quantity, and often times, from individuals who are outside of their own network.
On the Internet, there are very few choices available to have high quality, rapid, and free professional conversations. Destinations like Yahoo Answers, Facebook, and LinkedIn do not facilitate this effectively on their own.
For example, if a student, who is an aspiring investment banker, would like to ask a question to an actual investment banker, but does not have any personal contacts, where would she go? Or, if a management consultant wanted to get ideas on new growth options for a company and wanted to interact with a community comprised of MBAs, VCs, and Private Equity managers, where would he go?
What is our solution?
What makes us different?
- Professional nature
- Focus on encouraging high quality, rapid, and free professional conversations among different groups of people
- An existing community of technologists, designers, architects, investment bankers, financiers, product managers, consultants, engineers, marketers, advertisers, venture capitalists, asset managers, Ph. D's, students (undergrads and grads) and more.
The ProspectLinker community currently comprises of people from top companies including Facebook, IBM, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Google, Blackstone Group, Citigroup, CNN, Deloitte, Ogilvy; and top schools including Harvard, MIT, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, and more.
Join our professional conversations now.
Andre Charoo
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Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Definition of ProspectLinker
To ensure that we are clear about what ProspectLinker is, I would like to define the company name for you first.
What does ProspectLinker (for short, I'll use "pL") mean?
I would like to focus on the word "prospect" and a couple of the meanings in the photo above (cited from
Definition: A potential customer or candidate -- pL is currently a community of smart people who include technologists, designers, architects, investment bankers, financiers, product managers, consultants, engineers, marketers, entrepreneurs, advertisers, venture capitalists, asset managers, Ph. D's, students (undergrads and grads) and more. These people are all potential customer types and / or candidates.
Definition: A view or outlook on a subject or situation -- The pL community will provide their views and outlook on any subject or situation that people are interested in.
This leads me to answer...
What is ProspectLinker?
ProspectLinker is a community that links people who share their views, ideas, and thoughts with each other. People engage in conversations with professionals, who could be inside or outside of their own personal networks, to gain each others' insights and viewpoints.
For example, you might need the viewpoint of a potential customer for your business, who happens to be out of reach and is outside of your network. In this situation, where do you turn? Social networks like LinkedIn and Facebook?
Often times, it's difficult and unduly time-intensive to get introductions to specific people who are outside of your network, especially if it's just to get their viewpoint, thoughts, or ideas regarding an issue you are experiencing. This is where pL can help. ProspectLinker establishes a platform for people to channel their ideas, expertise, feedback, and thoughts on issues into a forum that may be easily accessed by others seeking insight.
Join our community now to:
(1) Start a conversation amongst a wide range of people from whom one can gain insight;
(2) Give your take on current conversations and see what other smart people have to say; and
(3) Invite others who have been requested from your network into conversations to help add perspective and value to the community
Thanks in advance for your interest.
Andre Charoo
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Friday, March 27, 2009
The pL community is evolving!
ProspectLinker has attracted very smart professionals and students from a wide range of industries and backgrounds who are interacting and having thought-provoking conversations with each other around interesting ideas and thoughts. These people include technologists, designers, architects, i-bankers, financiers, product managers, consultants, engineers, marketers, VC's, Ph. D's, and more.
ProspectLinker is quickly becoming a community that links smart people from top companies and schools together.
So, how can ProspectLinker help you?
(1) Start a conversation amongst really smart people from whom you can gain insight
(2) Give your take and see what other smart people have to say about it
Over the next few weeks and months, we will be working very hard in ensuring that our site is conducive to providing an easy and quick way to provide your views, thoughts and advice within a group of smart people.
Join now and see what these people are talking about!
We look forward to having you take part in the community.
Andre Charoo
ProspectLinker, Inc.
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Monday, February 16, 2009
Be a Company Ambassador and win a LG 47 inch Plasma HDTV
As many of you already know, ProspectLinker is an online career oriented community that links leading companies and top prospects together. On ProspectLinker, company Ambassadors can interact one-on-one with students to get to know them better. Through online conversations and online profiles and resumes, the goal is to help employees recommend high quality potential candidates who are best suited for their organization. Over the past month, we have generated over a couple hundred prospects from various educational backgrounds. As a result, we have decided that we want to give people who are working at leading companies, a great opportunity to use the site and win an awesome prize at the same time.
ProspectLinker is giving away a LG 47" Plasma HDTV to the Ambassador with the highest number of visibility points by March 6, 2009.
Here are the details:
Contest Timeframe:
- February 18 - March 6, 2009
To be eligible for the contest:
- Answer questions asked by students (Prospects).
- Ask questions to Prospects in the community.
Contest Rewards:
- 1st prize: LG 47" Plasma HDTV
- 2nd prize: iPod Nano
- 3rd prize: $50 Starbucks card
- Company prize: The company with the most cumulative points from Ambassadors will also win a prize courtesy of ProspectLinker.
If you are interested and would like to participate, please send me a message at
I look forward to hearing from you.